
Our Services / Bunions

Bunions Specialist

Bunions Specialist

Some bunions can cause pain and stiffness with every step. If you regularly experience foot or toe pain caused by a bunion, it’s important to seek professional medical help. At Greater Pittsburgh Foot & Ankle Center, William T. DeCarbo, DPM, FACFAS, offers complete care for bunions, including minimally invasive Lapiplasty™ 3D Bunion Correction. To make an appointment for help with bunions, call the office in Wexford, Pennsylvania, or book online today.

Bunions Q & A

What are bunions?

A bunion is a painful, bony bump that occurs on the joint at the base of your big toe. Bunions form when the bones at the front of your foot move out of position. Over time, this pushes your big toe inward, causing the joint at its base to swell and protrude.

Bunions affect people of all ages, but they’re especially common in middle-aged women and people who wear shoes that push their toes together.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Symptoms of bunions include:

  • A noticeable bump at the base of your big toe
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters
  • Swelling, soreness, or redness around your big toe joint
  • Ongoing pain

As the bunion grows, you may also experience a reduced range of motion in your big toe.

When should I see a foot and ankle surgeon about bunions?

If you have a bunion and it causes ongoing pain in your big toe or foot, you should reach out to Greater Pittsburgh Foot & Ankle Center for diagnosis and treatment. 

In addition, if you can’t find shoes that fit comfortably over the bunion or it interferes with your ability to work, exercise, or do other activities, Dr. DeCarbo can also help you find treatment options that suit your needs.

Who is at risk of developing bunions?

Anyone can develop a bunion, but several factors may increase your risk, including:

  • Wearing high heels 
  • Wearing tight or narrow shoes that crowd your toes
  • Having an underlying health problem (like rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Having a family history of bunions

Without intervention and treatment, bunions may even increase your risk of other foot problems, such as bursitis and hammertoes.  

How are bunions diagnosed?

At Greater Pittsburgh Foot & Ankle Center, Dr. DeCarbo diagnoses bunions during a visit in the office. 

At the beginning of the appointment, he reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms. Then, Dr. DeCarbo will ask you to take off your shoes and socks to examine your feet and toes. Bunions are noticeable, so visual observation is usually enough to make a diagnosis. However, Dr. DeCarbo may also order X-rays to determine the best way to treat it.

How are bunions treated?

At Greater Pittsburgh Foot & Ankle Center, Dr. DeCarbo offers several types of bunion treatment. When possible, he recommends conservative, noninvasive treatments, such as:

  • Changing shoes
  • Wearing over-the-counter bunion pads
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Custom orthotics
  • Applying ice

If your symptoms don’t improve with conservative treatments, Dr. DeCarbo may recommend surgery with Lapiplasty™ 3D Bunion Correction.

Lapiplasty™ uses special tools to correct the bunion, as well as its root cause, improving the alignment of your big toe. The process is minimally invasive and typically takes less than two hours.

To make an appointment for help with bunions, call the Greater Pittsburgh Foot & Ankle Center in Wexford, Pennsylvania, or book online today.


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